33 Weeks

I’m at 33 weeks! Four more weeks and my baby will be full term…

Weight this week: 134.8 lb. – I’m a hair under my goal weight gain of 1-2 pounds a week since I had the stomach bug last week. More on that in a bit.
Measurements around largest part of my tummy:36.5″ – I’ve gained 1.5 inches around my middle since5 weeks ago.
Measurements around smallest part of my waist:32″ – up 1 inch from last time. Okay, okay, so I don’t really have a “waist” anymore. That measurement is just around the part of my belly that USED to go in. ;)
As I mentioned above, I had a nasty stomach bug last week, hence the 33 week update instead of the planned 32. It was pretty miserable. Not being able to eat but desperately needing food is NOT a good thing while pregnant. But Reuben was awesome and helped me through it – made me eat when I didn’t have any appetite. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
What with the sickness and the holidays, I have been less than steady with my exercises. Okay, that’s an understatement. I’m lucky if I get one session in per week.
Now it’s getting down to the wire and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with the things I need to accomplish – prepare my mind for labor, buy essential baby items (diapers, car seat, etc.)…Your prayers for my peace of mind would be appreciated. :)
And there’s my 28 weeks update.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that 2013 will be an awesome year!
Erica Lea

6 Responses to 33 Weeks

  1. Kathryn Grace 
    You look so cute. :-) So does this mean that the next update will be baby pictures??? :-D
  2. Moriah Mari 
    Oh . . . your little one is almost here! :)
    I’ll be praying for your peace of mind. I can only imagine how much there is to do.
  3. Abigail 
    Awesome!! So excited for you! I LOVE LOVE the pics!! :) Your blog is super nice!
  4. Diane 
    You look like you’re carrying a girl to me. ; ) At least from the angle of the picture. Take as many naps as you can since you won’t get to sleep all night for a long time after the little one gets here!
  5. Rebecca 
    Dear Erica, you’ll be just fine in your preparations. I had my first little girl in March and felt exactly like you did – that I wouldn’t be prepared enough. The truth is, nothing really can prepare you for what’s about to happen, but you adapt – even to the less sleep, and I still got enough … If you have a supportive family around you, and it certainly seems you are blessed with that, anything you miss in your shopping can be picked up later. As for your health and strength, I hope and pray you will be improving soon. And where I live, full term is considered 40 weeks (from the date of your last monthly …) – so you might even have 7 weeks to wait before meeting your little bub. Bless you.

Christmas Garland Tutorial + Our Christmas Tree & Decorations

I liked my autumn garland so much that I decided to recycle the basic elements into a Christmas garland.

To make your own Christmas Garland, here’s what you’ll need:

Follow the instructions for the autumn garland, replacing the waxed leaves with ornaments and pine tree branches. And you’re done!
Now for a peek at our Christmas decorations. I went for simplicity this year with glass containers filled with small ornaments, festive candles and pine cones.
Our tree is definitely of the Charlie Brown variety, but I like it anyway.

How are you decorating your house for Christmas this year?

8 Responses to Christmas Garland Tutorial + Our Christmas Tree & Decorations

  1. Anna 
    That’s a super cute tree! And I love the garland, sometimes less is more -even at Christmas!
    I collected lots of acorns and I’ve taken out the “seed” and put golden glitter on it and glued it back into the seedcap, I’m planning on hanging them in the tree which we don’t decorate until the 23rd. Apart from that, I’ll decorate it with red glassballs and glittery golden ones along with real candles. Can’t wait!
    Have a lovely Christmas!
  2. Jackie 
    Lovely! I adored your leaf garland. What font did you use on the word ‘ garland’?
  3. Erica Lea 
    Anna: Love your ideas for decorations! Someday I want real candles on our tree. :) That’s neat that you wait until the 23rd – I’m just too impatient. :P
  4. Erica Lea 
    Jackie: Thank you! The font I used is “Men in Black Credits” — you can download if for free from dafont here: {link}
  5. Bec 
    Your tree is gorgeous! It glows from within.
  6. Samantha 
    I love the simple, yet beautiful decorations and the tree is so cute!
  7. Erica Lea 
    Bec: Thank you! We tried to get the lights all over the branches so as to combat the Charlie Browness. ;)
  8. Erica Lea 
    Samantha: Mmhmm – I like simplicity in decorations. :)

Frosty Morning

Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
The other day I awoke to a world frosted in white. Still clothed in my PJ’s, I grabbed my camera bag and shoved it into our car so it’d be acclimated to the cold when I was ready to shoot.
After breakfast I rushed outside to capture the frozen crystals before the sun melted them all away.
Now our world is covered in a protecting, soft blanket of snow. I’ll have to get photos of it for ya’ll sometime.
Has is frosted/snowed where you live?

9 Responses to Frosty Morning

  1. Annie 
    Those pictures are beautiful! Hasn’t snowed here in IA yet, and normally the first one falls sometime in October… so it’s unusually late this year. But I love the warmer weather. =)
  2. Megan 
    So beautiful! I love frost! We have snow here but I am still waiting for our first really pretty frost, that’s probably my fav. thing about winter :)
  3. Kathryn Grace 
    So lovely! We’ve had a few frosts, but nothing heavy yet.
  4. Kristina 
    What gorgeous pictures! I especially love the first one. You made me a bit nostalgic. I grew up in Indiana and looking at your pictures, I can so well remember the feel and sense and smell of so many mornings like this that it feels like I am there. Here in South, South Texas it is a rare day to see frost and we almost never see snow. :)
  5. Angela 
    Just looking at those pictures is cooling me down! I’m Australian and it’s summer here and it’s very hot. Right now it is 34degrees celsius aka 93 fahrenheit.
  6. Elizabeth 
    Your photography is really stunning. And it’s not just that I’m from Los Angeles and we could not have more different weather and environment. You really know how to create a beautiful photo!
  7. Moriah Mari 
    Oooo . . . Erica, these are lovely! I particularly like numbers one and seven.
    No, snow here in northern IL yet. We would usually have snow by now – but I imagine it will come soon enough. :)
  8. Anna 
    Stunning images!
    We got a few snowflakes today which was early for Denmark but hoping for a few more this weekend since we’ve got a cold front covering Scandinavia at the moment, great timing for the first of Advent!
  9. Abbie 
    I love these photos – they’re so refreshingly cool to look at while we have warm days over here! :)

C Family 2012

C Family 2012
C Family 2012
C Family 2012
C Family 2012
C Family 2012C Family 2012
Last month I had the privilege of photographing my cousin Mindy’s beautiful family. They are always so fun to work with and super photogenic.
Have a lovely Monday!
Erica Lea

4 Responses to C Family 2012

  1. Annie 
    These are stunning pictures, Erica! And what a beautiful family!
  2. Kathryn Grace 
    These are simply wonderful, Erica! Favorite is the first one… it’s the perfect family picture. :-) Love their outfits!
  3. Theresa 
    These are so lovely!
  4. Elizabeth 
    What a beautiful family!!!

28 Weeks

I’m at 28 weeks today! Less than three months until my due date…

Weight this week: 131 lb. Yikesyikesyikes. I’ve never seen 130 on the scale before. Reuben keeps telling me that I’m not fat, I’m pregnant, but it’s still kinda hard to see my body grow and grow and grow and grow…
Measurements around largest part of my tummy: 35″ – I’ve gained 2 inches around my middle since 4 weeks ago!
Measurements around smallest part of my waist: 31″ – up 1½ inches from last time.
I have a sneaking suspicion that my hips are growing as well. Some jeans that fit me just fine a few weeks ago are kinda tight, and not just in the belly. ;)

Earlier this month I had a nasty cold and stomach bug. Not fun on top of other pregnancy woes. And then, I contracted a yeast infection. Perfect. Thanks to advice from our awesome midwife, I was able to cure it naturally.
AND in the last week or so I’ve started having some posterior pelvic (think low-low back) pain. If any of you ladies that have gone through pregnancy have advice for this kind of pain, I’d be very grateful if you shared it. :)

I haven’t been exactly steady with my exercises this month. What with sickness and being busy I kinda got out of the routine. So I’ve decided to start a regimen where I workout every weekday that I can. That ensures that I’ll get at least SOME exercise in each week.

And there’s my 28 weeks update.
Have a lovely day, and a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of pie. :)
Erica Lea

13 Responses to 28 Weeks

  1. Annie 
    You’re SO cute. :) Blessings on your pregnancy!
  2. Jess 
    Do you have an SI belt? It goes around your hips at the level of the SI joints – where your vertebrae meet your pelvis – and it helps tighten those joints together. A lot of pregnant women have SI pain due to the joints becoming more lax with all of your hormonal changes. You’ve probably already heard that, but I thought I’d mention it if you hadn’t :)
  3. Annette 
    Hi there! I’m running out the door to a Thanksgiving feast but I wanted to encourage you to visit this blog:http://www.alignedandwell.com/katysays/?s=pregnancy (specifically posts on pregnancy and pelvis pain) – you might find some relief there. Feel free to email me for more specifics too. :)
  4. Elizabeth 
    Your body will snap back to it’s slender self fairly soon after you give birth. So try not to perseverate on gaining weight or the numbers. You are getting as big as you need to in order to care for this little life inside of you. Stretching would help you as well and walking. But make sure you eat enough on top of burning calories!
    You look so beautiful.
    Feel good!
  5. Anna 
    First of all…You look lovely!
    And; Your husband Is right! You’re not fat, you’re pregnant! This is The One time ( most likely) in most women’s life where we can forget about pounds so embrace it and enjoy the Häagen Dazs :)
    My advice on strengthening your muscles in your lower back is to lie on your back and just put your bum up, you probably know the exercise already, but it’s the best one. Having good back muscles is key, both during pregnancy, birth and after.
    My other advise (you asked for some in an earlier post), a contradiction in itself, I know, is not to listen to too many advices.. trust your instinct, you’ll be fine! And so will your baby :)
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving!
  6. Kate 
    You’re so cute :) i’ve heard from a lot of people that it’s impossibly hard to remember that when pregnant, but… you’re so adorable!!
  7. Diane 
    Your ligaments are starting to prepare for the birth of the child (and that is part of the lower back/pelvic pain) and will start to ‘loosen up’ so you can deliver the child. I popped my hip out of joint by sitting on the floor when I was about as far along as you and limped for a week or so after.
    You’ll lose all the weight in a flash after you have the baby. It’s a lot of work to give birth! I only had about 8 pounds to lose aferward and that came off with breastfeeding—and then some. Make sure you eat enough and don’t worry about your hips. You aren’t going to look exactly the same as before the baby, but pretty close and sometimes better!
    Best of luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Sarah 
    You are sooo adorable! I’m 6 weeks along and debating home birth. I’m meeting with one in St. Cloud tonight to get more info and ask questions. I noticed you said you have a midwife – are you having a home birth by chance? Thanks for sharing!!
  9. Bekah W. 
    Hi there, you are such a cute pregnant lady! I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant with my 2nd, and can sympathize with what you’re feeling. Seeing numbers on the scale you’ve never seen before, having hips expand as well as belly, as well as (ahem) other areas. I’m speaking to myself as well as you when I say that it truly is pregnant, and not fat. My husband has to constantly remind me, as well. Especially in this last few weeks as I wait to meet my new little one. Just remember that you, and your beauty is defined by so much more than the number on the scale, or how your jeans fit your hips.
    Blessings to you and your family!
  10. Bekah W. 
    Oh! And a P.S. I’m glad to see that you’re using a midwife. I did and had a waterbirth with my first son, and will be with this baby as well. It was a wonderful experience.
  11. Jayne 
    You’re so beautiful. When I get pregnant one day, I hope to look as good as you do.
  12. Rachel 
    You look fantastic!! :)
  13. Carissa @ Pretty/Hungry 
    I had a lot of that low low SI joint pain and all I can offer you is sympathy. Mine always seemed worse after stretching or while going for walks.
    As for your hips widening… I had success wearing the ShrinkxHips belt for 6 weeks after delivery. It guides your hips back to their pre-baby position while the relaxin hormone is still present in your body.
    Best wishes to your growing family!

My Favorite Kind of Day

Saturday was one of my favorite kind of days. A bit gloomy. Chilly. Relaxed.
Reuben took a walk in the woods to hunt down some deer. When he came in from the wet and cold we had homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch.
After lunch we went to town and Reuben helped me pick out some yarn for a hat I’m planning on knitting.
When we got home we decided to take another walk to see if we could sneak up on any deer. The conditions were perfect: a fine, constant mist of rain kept everything moist and there seemed to be a hush all around.
Carefully walking through the woods, trying to make as little noise as possible, we came upon two does. A buck was what we were looking for, so they got away.
What’s your favorite kind of day?

11 Responses to My Favorite Kind of Day

  1. Rebecca in NC 
    That sounds like a perfect day :) And that soup looks delicious!
  2. Nela 
    The same day that you just described. ;) Gotta love ‘em!
    Also, I like your husband’s t-shirt. I have one just like that when I attended a shooting event last year.
    Anyway, great pics!
  3. Abbie 
    Beautiful photos of what looks like a lovely day! One of my favourite kind of days would have to be the cool, wet, cosy days – we receive so many warm ones that cold weather is very pleasant! :)
  4. Homeschool on the Croft 
    I’m not so sure about the t-shirt myself …. me being a Brit an’ all that ;)
    Your day sounds like a perfect day to me. Deer hunting, knitting and making and having soup … yep, it about sums up perfection to me :)
  5. Erica Lea 
    Anne: Haha, yes, the instructors were a bit too “American-can-do-no-wrong-the-British-were-evil” for our tastes. :)
  6. Elizabeth 
    I could use one of your perfect days…except for the hunting part. That’s too out of my comfort zone. But everything else sounded and looked so lovely.
    For me, any day I get to spend with my 7 year old daughter is a perfect day for me.
  7. bonnie 
    just add a few moments with a good book and a big mug of something hot to drinkto your day and that would be mine. . .
  8. Carissa @ Pretty/Hungry 
    My favorite day is a gray one as well! I think it makes being inside that much cozier. :) Hope you’re feeling well as that little one continues to grow!
  9. FRAN 
    What the —- do you need to hunt for? Heartless —–.
  10. FRAN 
    You left out ---- and -----
  11. Rebecca 
    Just wanted to say – good for you! Wild meat is by far better for you and better for the animal. Death is fast and they are scared for a few seconds. People like Fran should be forced to visit a slaughter house. I have few issues with either method of procuring healthy foods but animal harvesting is hardly as wonderful for the animal as is the life of a wild animal.
    Erica – I greatly enjoy your posts but never comment. I am happy for you that your husband thinks highly enough of you and your child to provide you with fresh and healthy food options. :-)



The beautiful orange light of the evening sun shines through Breanna’s lovely hair and makes everything glow warmly.
Photo Challenge Submission

9 Responses to Orange

  1. Kathryn Grace 
    WOW. This is gorgeous!
  2. Kathryn Grace 
    *You can delete this comment if you want* Don’t you have to have the IHF button in your post to qualify??
  3. Erica Lea 
    Kathryn: Ah yes – I couldn’t find their button at first…went back to their site and found it. I had also forgotten to link up. *DUH* :)
  4. Tish 
    Beautiful!! Love the sun flare!
  5. Jenny 
    Pretty cool!
  6. Bonnie 
  7. Kristen F 
    Her hair is gorgeous!
  8. Ginger 
    Absolutely stunning!
  9. Fenne 
    This is so beautiful and warm. And she has amazing hair!