Christmas Garland Tutorial + Our Christmas Tree & Decorations

I liked my autumn garland so much that I decided to recycle the basic elements into a Christmas garland.

To make your own Christmas Garland, here’s what you’ll need:

Follow the instructions for the autumn garland, replacing the waxed leaves with ornaments and pine tree branches. And you’re done!
Now for a peek at our Christmas decorations. I went for simplicity this year with glass containers filled with small ornaments, festive candles and pine cones.
Our tree is definitely of the Charlie Brown variety, but I like it anyway.

How are you decorating your house for Christmas this year?

8 Responses to Christmas Garland Tutorial + Our Christmas Tree & Decorations

  1. Anna 
    That’s a super cute tree! And I love the garland, sometimes less is more -even at Christmas!
    I collected lots of acorns and I’ve taken out the “seed” and put golden glitter on it and glued it back into the seedcap, I’m planning on hanging them in the tree which we don’t decorate until the 23rd. Apart from that, I’ll decorate it with red glassballs and glittery golden ones along with real candles. Can’t wait!
    Have a lovely Christmas!
  2. Jackie 
    Lovely! I adored your leaf garland. What font did you use on the word ‘ garland’?
  3. Erica Lea 
    Anna: Love your ideas for decorations! Someday I want real candles on our tree. :) That’s neat that you wait until the 23rd – I’m just too impatient. :P
  4. Erica Lea 
    Jackie: Thank you! The font I used is “Men in Black Credits” — you can download if for free from dafont here: {link}
  5. Bec 
    Your tree is gorgeous! It glows from within.
  6. Samantha 
    I love the simple, yet beautiful decorations and the tree is so cute!
  7. Erica Lea 
    Bec: Thank you! We tried to get the lights all over the branches so as to combat the Charlie Browness. ;)
  8. Erica Lea 
    Samantha: Mmhmm – I like simplicity in decorations. :)

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