My Life in Snapshot + Photo-a-Day Update

Hello again!
Here’s a bit of my life as captured by my little iPod Touch (and a few by Reuben’s Droid).
1. Latte art by my bro-in-law, Justin. | 2. I roasted up some veggies to take camping. | 3. Heading out for said camping trip. | 4. A sunny, breezy Memorial Day.
1. I recently got my hair cut. Had Mom put more layers in it. | 2. Reuben bought me supper at one of my favorite places. | 3. My father-in-law built me this awesome “kitchen” garden. | 4. Postcard from France from a friend.
1. Browned butter cinnamon roll + fried egg. | 2. Ellie had to have a pink drink at the coffee shop. | 3. The crabapple trees were beautiful in bloom. | 4. I tried making an Arnold Palmer. It was delicious and refreshing.
1. Afternoon cuppa + malted milk cookies. | 2. Cornbread cooked in a skillet. | 3. I made myself a mini 7-layer dip for lunch. | 4. Possible new addiction: frozen espresso + cream + milk + maple syrup + vanilla extract.
1. Back when Reuben had a “beard.” Waaaah! He still looks awesome without it, but there’s a bit of nostalgia associated with it. :) | 2. Homemade butter (from Jersey cows) is awesome. | 3. A yummy treat: oranges drizzled with olive oil & sprinkled with black pepper. | 4. I was sick for nearly two weeks. No fun.

So, I’ve been a very good girl with the photo-a-day challenges. I’ve only missed one day! Which means I’ve taken a photo practically every day since February. Yay!
In June, I might join in this fun-sounding photo challenge.
Are any of you participating in a photo-a-day challenge or a Project 366/52?
Have an awesome day!

9 Responses to My Life in Snapshot + Photo-a-Day Update

  1. Rachel 
    Fun photos! :)
  2. Shawntae 
    Awesome! :) Love every photo!
  3. Rebecca in NC 
    I love all your photos! I am doing Fat Mum Slim’s photo-a-day challenge, too, for May and will be doing June as well. I post my photos on instagram, though.
  4. Erica Lea 
    Rebecca: Thank you so much! I post on Instagram as well (my username is ericaleaphotos). What’s your username for Instagram?
  5. Kathryn Grace 
    It amazes me how you and others can achieve such nice photos with a PHONE! I played with my dad’s camera phone last weekend and it just didn’t cut it. Maybe I’m too used to the control of my DSLR or something, or maybe it’s an app?? Anyway, love the photos – especially the 4th set.
  6. Erica Lea 
    Kathryn: Aw…thanks! :) I use a few apps – Instagram (free), Pic Stitch (also free) and VSCO cam (99 cents, but totally worth every penny). Being able to adjust the color balance really helps phone photos to look better, IMO. Especially if you’re stuck using an iPod most of the time. :)
  7. Miss Hatcher 
    aaawww…you and your husband make such a cute couple!
    Your photography is gorgeous! I was wondering…how old were you when you started to really get into photography?
  8. Erica Lea 
    Thank you! Back in late 2006, my dad bought our first DSLR. I soon became very interested in photography. I started my first blog in 2008, and I was addicted. So I was about 17 when I first really started to get interested in photography. :)
  9. Amanda 
    love your pictures! you are a great photographer!


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It’s officially springtime here in northern Minnesota. Everything is green and blooming and the days are growing longer and warmer.
Enjoy the short film I made:
** If video won’t load, view here: {link} **

6 Responses to Springtime

  1. Melanie 
    So beautiful, Erica.
  2. Diane | An Extraordinary Day 
    Thanks for the springtime stroll. What is there about Spring? She stirs my heart and fills me with joy.
  3. Rachel 
  4. Moriah Mari 
    Erica, I love the processing on these and the children photos are great!
  5. Sara 
    These are sooo absolutely gorgeous. I can’t even handle it.
  6. Lizzy 
    Wow! What gorgeous photos! Those blossoms are unreal. Mmm….SO pretty.

Susan Margrette

Susan Margrette from Erica Lea on Vimeo.

Judah & Elinor visiting their new sister for the first time.
Susan Margrette. 7lb 9oz, 21 1/4in.
(( If video doesn’t load, refresh the page. ))
To read more of the story click here: {link}
Have a lovely day!
Erica Lea

2 Responses to Susan Margrette

  1. Sara 
    How precious! :)
  2. Kathryn Grace 
    Absolutely sweet. I don’t know if there is possibly anything better in the whole world than holding a newborn baby.
    Your family is very blessed to have your lovely video skills to document important events like this!

My Hair Today

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Hey, everyone! Can you believe it’s May already? Crazy, I know.
Thought I’d share how I’m wearing my hair today. Inspired by this photo.
Perhaps I’ll make a tutorial for ya’ll sometime.
How are you wearing your hair today?
Erica Lea

1 Response to My Hair Today

  1. Megan 
    Very Pretty!!