December Photo-a-Day 2013: Day 3

Feels Like Winter
Today’s photos is actually a diptych. Outside we have a heavy dusting of snow. I brought some boughs inside for our “Christmas Tree” — I’ve decided not to get a REAL tree this year since it would be a major headache to try to keep Helen from wrecking it. :) I’ll probably add some baubles later…maybe some lights if I get really ambitious.

2 Responses to December Photo-a-Day 2013: Day 3

  1. Carissa @ Pretty/Hungry 
    You and I had the same thought this year with a mini-version of a real tree. Smart!!
  2. Erica Lea 
    Carissa: I’m sure yours is much prettier than mine. I’ll have to try to be more organized next year. :)

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