December Photo-a-Day 2013: Day 4

Naughty Breakfast
Confession: I love cold cereal. I know that it’s about the worst possible thing in the world to eat health-wise, but it’s just SO GOOD. Reuben’s favorite kind is Reese’s Puffs, and I have to say that they’re pretty tasty.
I roped Reuben into helping me take this shot. I wish I could have captured the splash better – next time I’ll have to have more light so I can have a faster shutter speed.
What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

1 Response to December Photo-a-Day 2013: Day 4

  1. Rachel Q 
    Ahh cold cereal is the best! And I’m positive there are far worse things that one could consume. This photo makes me quite happy. Thanks for sharing.

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