“Let Them Be Little” Photo Challenge

My cousin’s little girl, Mariah, from Ireland. What bright, beautiful eyes she has!
For the I Heart Faces photo challenge.
To see many more “Let Them Be Little” photos, stop by I Heart Faces.

10 Responses to “Let Them Be Little” Photo Challenge

  1. Cindi Murphy 
    Love his cheeks!!
  2. Kel 
    Oh my goodness!!! She is so cute!!!!!
  3. Fairly Candid 
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your entry as well. Great clarity on the eyes! Congratulations on your UHF winning photo and top 10 entries. You certainly deserved them. :-) Mary
  4. Fairly Candid 
    Oops, I meant IHF entries, not UHF (fumble fingers).
  5. Melanie 
    I heart that face too! My little sweetie pie! I love your pictures, Erica.
  6. Jackie 
    cute, love those blue eyes!
  7. Ashley SIsk 
    Love those eyes!
  8. lynne 
    Such a determined look in her beautiful eyes as she pulls herself up. Love it.
  9. Annie 
    Erica, what a beautiful photo! Soooo precious! =)
  10. Kathryn Grace 
    Wow, what eyes! Love the colors in this shot.

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