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This week’s I Heart Faces challenge is Scenic BW. In this photo, my sister jumps barefooted on the craggy shores of Lake Superior. Make sure to stop by I Heart Faces for more gorgeous black & white photos.
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12 Responses to Jump!

  1. Tamar SB 
    What a great capture! And how brave she is to jump bare footed on those rocks!
  2. ChiIL Mama 
    Fun action shot! I like the contrast between the two figures in motion and at rest.
    Check mine out and comment, too.
    ChiIL Mama, Chicago
  3. Emma 
    Great action shot! I hope her feet are ok ;)
  4. Betina 
    This is simple and real. Breathtaking.
  5. Leah @ Beyer Beware 
    Love. It. What an awesome picture to have!
  6. Ashley Sisk 
    Awesome shot!
  7. Georgie Girl 
    Great pic! Something different!!
  8. Kathryn Grace 
    Ooh, love this! You captured this with amazing clarity! Great job!
  9. Kay 
    This is such a good shot!
  10. Carrie 
    Awesome shot!
  11. Jackie Jean 
    I love jumping shots :-)
  12. Charlene 
    What a great action shot! This is clearly a wonderful image.

I Am Thankful For…

Salvation, so rich and free.
Family to love. Friends to laugh with.
A home for warmth.
A camera for pleasure.
A piano for practice.
Snow for skiing. Yarn for knitting.
“O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD,
Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.”
~ Psalm 95: 1 and 2
What are you thankful for?

1 Response to I Am Thankful For…

  1. amanda {the habit of being} 
    lovely photos!
    i am thankful for abundance, the laughter of my children, the support of my husband.


Grandma and Dad enjoy paper-thin chocolate crepes on paper plates with Grandma’s mail stacked in the middle of the table. For I ♥ Faces.

9 Responses to “Paper”

  1. Mrs.Mayhem 
    Very nice. I like the colors and the welcoming feeling.
  2. Misty 
    Wonderfully candid and real!
  3. Dana-from chaos to Grace 
    What a BEAUTIFUL image!!
  4. Melissa 
    I love paper plates! I also love your photo style.
  5. Kathryn Grace 
    Great candid feel – you’ve got paper everywhere in there! :-)
  6. Ashley Sisk 
    What a great capture and I love the processing. I also wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful blog. I just added you to my reader and I look forward to seeing more of your work!
  7. mindy 
    Love the everyday of this.. I think we seem to forget those everyday activities and interactions. Beautiful lighting!
  8. Rachel 
    great capture!
    i love the real quality and simply beauty that you found.
  9. amanda {the habit of being} 
    i love the candid nature of this! it makes you feel as though you’re sitting there with them. and the low light makes it feel cozy. the steam coming off her coffee is my favorite part!

Let it Snow!

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

1 Response to Let it Snow!

  1. Kathryn Grace 
    This is great! Fun pose and love her outfit! (Plaid skirts are my favorite!).

My Frosted World

My Frosted World

The snow has finally arrived. My world looks sugar frosted.
To keep you company on a cold day:

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3 Responses to My Frosted World

  1. Maria 
    I am not a fan of the cold and snow, but that is a beautiful scene! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Ruth Ann 
    this is simply beautiful! it is a calming scene and I love it.
  3. Kathryn Grace 
    What?! You have snow already? Wow! I love winter but I’d like a little more Fall before we get snow. Beautiful photo! :-)

Frosted Flowers

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

5 Responses to Frosted Flowers

  1. Evelyn in Oregon 
    I think that looks a little chilly…… at least your flowers still have some color. Mine have been dead for a long time now. Interesting capture of the juxtaposition of seasons.
  2. Rachel 
    So pretty! I like how you can see the crystals on some of the petals.
  3. Theresa 
    Wonderful photos, I really love the colors and composition.
  4. Rachel 
    That’s an amazing photo. I’m always intrigued by the switching of seasons — watching the old fade as winter comes or winter melting as spring returns.
    Thanks for linking up with lovely photo wednesday today. :)
  5. Kathryn Grace 
    Wow, this is really neat! Love the colors!

The Winner!

The Winner is: Commenter #6 – Jen:  ”I love the apple windfalls picture.”

Here are the top three choices:
#2 Home Grown Blueberries

Thank you all for entering my giveaway. Have a lovely day!

1 Response to The Winner!

  1. Kathryn Grace 
    LOVE the blueberries!


The theme for this week’s I Heart Faces Challenge is “Orange.”
One Autumn evening, as we were walking on our Grandma’s property, I captured the slanting rays of the golden orange sun grazing my beautiful sister’s hair and face.
Be sure to stop by I Heart Faces to see many more entries for “Orange”

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9 Responses to “Orange”

  1. Deb T. 
    Absolutely gorgeous lighting, great job!
  2. courtney fisk 
    love beautiful sunflare like this. great shot!
  3. amy 
    Love this! Great use of light!
  4. TanishaRenee 
    Love the flare! Beautiful photo!
  5. Adeena 
    Love the flare! Beautiful colour. :)
  6. Hayley 
    Such beautiful light!
  7. sheena 
    this is BEAUTIFUL!!
  8. amy 
    LOVE L.O.V.E the sunflare….so simply deeeelicious…
  9. Kathryn Grace 
    Clever application of the theme! Love the scenery in the background.

Fix It Friday #77

This week’s Fix It Friday photo is brought to us by Michelle Johnson.
Her smile and the lighting struck me as very soft and sweet, and I edited accordingly.

Original Photo
My edit: First I adjusted the contrast. Then I set the photo to black and white with the filter set to green. Next, I layered the photo with a purple, then yellow color with filter set to hard light. I then dodged her eyelashes, lips, hair, etc. The flowers on the bottom of her shirt were distracting, so I cropped them out. To enhance the soft, vintage feel, I added a light vignette. Finally I adjusted the contrast again and sharped.
To see many more fun edits of this photo, make sure to stop by I ♥ Faces

5 Responses to Fix It Friday #77

  1. melanie 
    beautiful edit, very fitting for the photo :)
  2. Rebecca 
    I lile the softness of the photo combined with the hint of girly color…very nice!
  3. Rebecca 
    I like the softness of the photo combined with the hint of girly color…very nice!
  4. Rebecca Jo 
    Very sweet… I love the subtleness of it
  5. Dee 
    I really like this, it resonates with me.

Melted Frost

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

7 Responses to Melted Frost

  1. Rachel 
    I love how you captured the water droplets on the leaves! Beautiful!
  2. rita 
    simply, amazing!
  3. Prerna@IndianSimmer 
    Wow Erica! You are so talented.
  4. Sereina 
    This is beautiful. I love all the water droplets.
  5. Kathryn Grace 
    Beautiful! You are a very gifted photographer! I found your blog through your cooking blog (which I found through our cooking club! :). It’s great to find another homeschooled, Christian young woman interested in photography!
  6. carlotta 
    This is SO gorgeous. The focus is absolutely perfect…wonderful job!
  7. Charlene 
    What pretty composition. This is a great water drop image.