Fall is Here

September 22, 2014, 1:58 PM | Erica Lea | VSCO Grid
Fall is here.
Fall is here.
Fall is here.
Fall is Here
#fall #autumn #evening #minnesota | Erica Lea | VSCO Grid

I am so happy that the cooler weather is here. Sadly it's still not quite cold enough to need to wear all of my awesome jackets. First world problems.

Warm drinks are one of my favorite parts of fall. Mocha, hot cocoa, breves, pumpkin breves...it's all good. What's your favorite hot drink?

The first and second to last photo were taken with my iPhone 5S. They're kind of my favorite of the bunch...


  1. Phones are starting to get better and better cameras imo... my husbands Samsung Galaxy has a 15 mp camera. It's insane! My favorite hot drink would definitely be homemade mochas or pumpkin spice lattes. I love the coziness of fall.

    1. Yes, it's amazing what phone cameras can do these days! I'd love to be able to play with one with tons of mp - the iPhone camera is good, but the detail isn't always great. Ooooh, homemade mochas are so so good...I think I need to make one this afternoon. :D

  2. Really nice pics. Have you won any photo contests? You should! My fave hot drink is chai latte. I try to love pumpkin spice drinks but they all seem to have a bitter aftertaste--still experimenting. Maybe you could post a recipe?

    1. Aw, thanks! I won an I Heart Faces contest once - you can see the link to the one I won in the sidebar. :) Yes, that's my gripe against pumpkin spice lattes - the bitter aftertaste. I think using cream helps, but I have yet to find the perfect recipe. I'm still trying! :)

  3. What a lovely depiction of all the beauty that fall has to offer. You put me right in the mood for sweaters, pumpkins, warm drinks and falling leaves.

  4. Oooh, lovely. Fall is my favorite time of year. All the cozy clothes and scents I guess. :)

  5. Love the pictures of fall and wish we had these pretty colors and cooler temperatures in Florida.
