Waking Up to Snow

Snowy Morning
Snowy Morning
Snowy Morning
The other morning we woke up to a beautiful, snowy sunrise.
What’s the weather been like where you live?

6 Responses to Waking Up to Snow

  1. Annie 
    Beautiful pictures! Woke up to a heavy fog this morning, which turned into rain. I’m hoping the snow will hold off for as long as possible. ;)
  2. Kristina F 
    Well, it has been in the 80’s lately here in South Texas. :) But now it is raining and a little cooler. I don’t like cold weather though, so I’m glad I live here. You and I are about as far apart as you can get North and South and still be in the US. :)
  3. Kaylan 
    So beautiful!
  4. Madeleine 
    Oh, we are still watching the leaves fall! I am sure the snow will make it’s way to us soon, here in the Chicago suburbs. :)
    Love the pictures, Erica.
  5. Judy 
    Lovely photos of your woods. Our weather here in the Chicago area is slowly changing from fall to early winter. We had our first glimpse of snow flurries last week!
  6. Betsy 
    I would love to see some snow before Thanksgiving. Right now the mornings are crisp in NW Missouri and the trees are vibrant red, orange and yellow. Breathtaking.

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