7 Months Old!

Helen is seven months old today!
This little rascal is getting into all sorts of trouble lately. She’s an expert at crawling now and loves to explore everywhere. But particularly in the most inconvenient places. Like the trash can.
I can’t believe that she’s already starting to pull up to standing. The other day I was sitting next to her, reading the manual for my new (old) sewing machine. When I looked up, she had pulled herself up onto the window. She’s definitely a very motivated baby.
One awesome thing she’s started doing: going to bed early and sleeping through the night. She still wakes up at 3:00 sometimes, but mostly she’ll sleep from 9 PM to 5 AM. I usually just feed her and put her back in the crib (or keep her in bed with us if I’m too lazy or want some cuddling).
I decided to remove all of the breakable jars from the bottom of this bookshelf and set up a play station for her. She can sit and play by herself for quite a while now (if she’s in a good mood). Hallelujah!!
But I still need to keep an eye on her.
She was contentedly playing with her spatula the other day while I was trying to tidy up our pigsty house. Everything went quiet. I quickly moved in to check on Helen. She had something squishy in her hands. Turns out it was a tiny dead frog.
I had a bit of a freak out moment.
“Aaaahghljkjsdk!! — It’s okay honey. It’s okay. — Gaaaaaah ewewewewew!!”
Later that same day I left her in the bedroom for a moment. I saw her eagerly crawling towards something out of my sight and decided I should investigate. She was just starting to pick up a (very dirty) diaper that I had forgotten to toss into the diaper pail. Thankfully I caught her before she could shove her hand into it. Grossgrossgross.
“Can you believe she’s almost seven months old?” I asked Reuben last night.
“That was a LONG seven months,” he replied.
And it has been.
It’s been a crazy hard adventure.
But it’s so rewarding. I love this little girlie more than I can tell. It’s so much fun to see her personality start to show.
I have continued to take a picture of Helen once a week. It will be fun to put the pictures together into a collage on her first birthday.
Here she is from 0-7 months old.
Little dolly.

Have a lovely day!

4 Responses to 7 Months Old!

  1. Gabby 
    Haha! She is just so adorable! And looks so sneaky! Such a great idea to take the photos, bet it will be a lovely collage later! =)
    Wishing you a nice weekend! =)
  2. Anna 
    Aw, she’s lovely! And SO up to no good in the first picture :) I’m glad to read that she’s sleeping through the nights and that you’re getting some sleep, from what I’ve gathered you had a rough start.
    I had a similar frog-episode with Malva when she was about 9 months, our cat had dragged in a mouse and laid it beside her, as a gift I presume.. when she was sitting on the kitchen floor up in our summerhouse in Sweden. I totally freaked out to say the least.. :)
    Have a great weekend!
  3. Cait 
    What a sweet face! I have the same chevron sheet on my daughter’s crib right now. I had bought fabric to make one and then realized it was only $2 more to buy it at Target, so I returned the fabric :)
    Every two months or so it seemed my baby reached a new turning point. 2 months and 6 months especially were like night and day from before. It gets easier! A lot easier, but then you have to start training them :)
  4. kelli 
    she makes the cutest faces! happy to have stumbled upon your blog via a leaf garland search.=)

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