Our First Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

On Saturday we acquired our first Christmas Tree!
Frozen Droplet
The woods were gorgeous that day. It had rained the night before, and there were little droplets frozen onto the branches of the trees.
Into the truck.
Our Tree
We had so much fun decorating the tree together. I still need to get a skirt and a topper for it, but we’re pretty happy with how it looks.
When are you getting your tree?

4 Responses to Our First Christmas Tree

  1. Rebecca in NC 
  2. Alannah Renee 
    Beautiful! My brother is allergic to real trees, so we have an artificial one. We put it up on Saturday, though!
  3. Miz Boo 
    I love your little tree. :o)
  4. Anna 
    Cute tree! The first tree as a couple will always be special, I still remember mine and Peters.
    We’re not getting one this year since we’re going to my family in Sweden, but that’s ok because the one last year was so big it will count as this years tree as well! :)
    Have a great Christmas!

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