A Giveaway!

I realized that I have never hosted a giveaway on Simple Days. What a shame!
Last May I published a dishcloth pattern. And because I’m so generous, I’ve decided to give away the original dishcloths that I used for models.
What you’ll Win:
Two (2) hand-knit dishcloths.
Here’s How You Can Enter:
1) (Mandatory) Leave a comment on this post, asking me a question (What color is my hair, what’s my favorite food, what time do I get up in the morning, etc.). Please keep these questions clean and fun. Any offensive comments will be deleted. I will attempt to answer your questions in a future post.
2) For two (2) extra entries, post about my giveaway on your blog. Come back here and leave two extra comments with a link to your post.
3) For one extra entry, Tweet about my giveaway. Come back and leave another comment on this post.
4) For one extra entry, follow me on Twitter or via RSS or email. Come back and leave another comment on this post. If you already follow me/subscribe to my feed, simply tell me so.
No comments will be accepted for consideration after Friday, April 23, 2010, at 11:00 p.m. Central Time. I will use random.org to choose a winner.
Good Luck!
This Giveaway has ended. Thank you to all who entered!

121 Responses to A Giveaway!

  1. Laura Brown 
    Do you plan on going to college, or do you already attend? And what is your major? :)
  2. Luann 
    What’s your favorite thing about living in a large family?
  3. Robin 
    I just found your dishcloth pattern. I would love to be the recipient of the original
  4. Robin 
    I subscribe to your blog via email
  5. Kerry 
    What kind of camera do you have? How long have you been doing photography?
  6. Kerry 
    I’m an e-mail follower. :)
  7. Anne 
    What made you start a blog???
  8. Anne 
    I posted your link in my blog :)
  9. Anne 
    I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog! Have fun with this giveaway! I wish I could knit! :)
  10. Jessica 
    Do you know a good source for purchasing soft white wheat berries in big bags?
  11. Jamie Swenson 
    What is your favorite thing to bake?
  12. gina 
    How do you find the time for it all {blogging, baking}?
  13. Keren 
    What is your favorite thing to photograph? Very sweet dishcloths.
  14. Cindy 
    I follow you on Google Reader. At what age did you start cooking?
  15. Tracy K 
    I was going to ask about college, but that question is taken. Do any family memebrs ever have ‘guest posts’ on your blog?
  16. Tina @ Mommy's Kitchen 
    My question for you is: when did your love of cooking begin? and who inspired you?
  17. Katie @ goodLife {eats} 
    What is your favorite kitchen gadget?
  18. Katie @ goodLife {eats} 
    I am following you on twitter
  19. Jen 
    What got you interested in photography? And in cooking? Are the two completely intertwined for you?
  20. Jen 
  21. Jen 
    I follow your blog through google reader
  22. Julie 
    These dishcloths are beautiful. Love the yarn. What is your favorite type of knitting needle to use or do you have a preference?
  23. Julie 
    I follow your blog thru my email…..
    what’s your favorite season?
  24. Megan 
    What’s your favourite cookbook?
  25. Kay 
    Do you have a dog? What kind?
  26. Abby 
    What is your favorite food-thing to make?
  27. Abby 
    I follow your blog via RSS.
  28. Linda Kay 
    Do you crochet? I don’t know how to knit but would love a pattern similar to this for crochet. I crochet dishcloths and love them. I think I would like to try with the crochet thread.
  29. Jennifer 
    What is your all-time favorite photograph that you’ve taken?
  30. Emily 
    Do you only use whole wheat flour? I try to but have a hard time with ratios to regular flour?
  31. Mel 
    How do you feel about snakes and spiders? :)
  32. Kez 
    Those dishcloths are absolutely gorgeous! You are so talented!
    Are you a messy cook? I adore baking, but it takes me hours to clean up after I bake and I’m always curious as to whether other people are as bad as I am :)
  33. Carolyn 
    Hi! I already subscribe via email!! I love your blog!! What is your favorite animal, and why?? Thanks!!!
  34. heidi 
    What is your favorite dessert???
  35. heidi 
    I FOLLOW you on Twitter!! What is your favorite dinner?
  36. Toni 
    What’s your go-to I’m not feeling like cooking and wish dinner would appear on it’s own meal?
  37. Toni 
    I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader (email) :)
  38. Dana 
    What is is your favorite season of the year?
  39. Alicia 
    What made you want to start blogging?
  40. Jennifer 
    What are your birthday dinner requests?
  41. Jennifer 
    I subscribe to your blog via email
  42. Sunnie in NC 
    What is your favorite comfort food?
  43. Rachel 
    I’d love to try these dishcloths!
    When did you realize your need for a Savior (in other words, what’s your testimony)?
  44. Christine 
    What are some of your favorite books?
  45. Christine 
    Just signed up for your email.
    Wanted to ask, which homeschool program did your family use?
  46. Stephane 
    Do you have a certain time that you usually bake? like the morning or evening?
  47. Dulcimer 
    How much time do you spend knitting? What time of day do you knit?
  48. elizabethk 
    Why blog? ;-) I mean it with all sincerity…
    Do you think it is a passing fad (blogs) or the way of the future? I blogged for years, may again some day…
    I follow you on my feed via google, do not tweet and no longer blog. I do enjoy your beautiful, unique contributions to the internet world. :D
  49. Wendy 
    How do you take your coffee?
  50. Wendy 
    Now following on Twitter :-)
  51. Ruth Ann 
    These are so beautiful! :)
    Ok, so since I just like to know things like this, and don’t remember you ever saying, how many siblings do you have? And where do you fit in there? [I am #2 of 7]
  52. Ruth Ann 
    also, I have you subscribed in Google Reader!
  53. Laura Brown 
    I posted a link to your contest on my blog! :)
  54. Debbie 
    What’s your favorite bible passage?
  55. Adriana 
    Hi erica! very pretty dishcloths!!!
    I was wondering… are you in college? do you plan on going to college? what would you go for?
  56. kathy steadman 
    Love the dishcloths! What’s the favorite item you’ve ever sewed/knitted/?
  57. Becky 
    What are your future career goals?
  58. Becky 
    Oh! And I’m a follower on twitter!
  59. Jackie 
    You are an interesting writer. Does it run in the family?
  60. Michelle 
    My question to you: Do you do most of the cooking in your family or is it a shared task? Do your siblings enjoy cooking, too? (Well, that’s two quesitons–answer whichever you would like) :)
  61. D 
    what’s your fave color
  62. Kathy 
    Where would you like to go on vacation?
  63. Christie 
    How many more of these washcloths have you made?
  64. Crystal 
    Were you ever a “picky” eater or have you always enjoyed food?
  65. jen 
    What is your favorite flower? Personally, I have trouble just picking one for a favorite.
    Jen in OK
  66. Jelli 
    What are your 3 most favorite items that you find yourself ordering most often when in a bakery?
  67. JuliaA 
    what’s your favorite yarn to knit with? and what are the camera/photoediting functions you couldn’t live without?
  68. JuliaA 
    (i’m following you on google reader–glad i found your blog. wonderful photography, and a banana cake idea that i want to try!)
  69. Ashley H. 
    What is your average day like?
  70. Tracey 
    How many bathrooms do you have in your home? Do you think it is enough?
  71. Olivia 
    What’s your favorite Jane Austen movie? :) Thanks for this opportunity! Those dishcloths are the perfect color for my kitchen!
  72. Julia 
    Pretty! How many times, if any, have you watched the Princess Bride?
  73. tiffany mack 
    What inspires you daily? Your blog ROCKS!
  74. Jamie Tobin 
    I have been following your blog for a while.I am always trying new things,Is it hard to learn by yourself to knit/crochet?
    Keep up the good work.In the future how about a post all about me!!!!
    Check out my family blog I posted about whats going on here.
  75. Joni Taylor 
    What time were you born
  76. Jamie Tobin 
    Okay so Go over to my blog http://meadowcreek-tobin.blogspot.com/
    and visit.I wrote about your beautiful giveaway.
    LOVES from Indiana
  77. LauraC 
    what’s your favorite thing to make from yarn?
  78. Jamie Tobin 
    I have been folloeing both blogs for a while.I enjoy looking for new things to cook up.????Would it be hard for me to teach myself to knit/crochet?
    LOVES from Inidiana
  79. AshleyD 
    what kinds of things do you like to bake ?
  80. jenn Giannetto 
    what genre of music do you prefer?
  81. jenn Giannetto 
    i am a twitter follower
  82. Jay 
    What inspired you to begin a blog?
  83. Mini 
    What camera do you use?
  84. Anne M. 
    How long did it take you do finish 1 dishcloth?
  85. kari 
    What is your favorite poem?
  86. Shannon 
    Hi Erica! Just found your blog and I see that you like old movies? What is your favorite?
  87. Shannon 
    I am following you on Twitter:)
  88. Shannon 
    I tweeted about your blog and giveaway:)
  89. Shannon 
    and…of course I mentioned you on my blog:)
  90. Jing 
    oh, i didn’t realize you had this as well as your cooking blog until just now! let’s see, for a question: what dish (or dishes) would you say you make most frequently?
  91. Jing 
    and I follow you on twitter!
  92. Kimberly 
    What is your favorite season?
  93. Kristen 
    I was wondering what your favorite flavor of ice cream is?
  94. Erin 
    Love the dishcloths…my husband’s grandmother used to knit them for us, sadly, they’ve all worn out. Do you hope to have a large family someday?
  95. Liza 
    Do you knit Continental or American style?
    Thanks for the chance to win!
  96. lyn 
    I am new to your blog.
    Do you know how much you have inspired me? Do you?
    Oh that’s two questions! ;)
  97. Danita 
    Do you do most of the cooking for your family?
  98. Kourtney 
    What is your favorite childhood memory?
  99. Kourtney 
    I follow you on twitter
  100. Kourtney 
    I posted about the giveaway
  101. Kourtney 
    I posted about the giveaway, and I’m commenting again
  102. Kourtney 
    I tweeted about the giveaway
  103. gina 
    {following on twitter}
  104. Julie L 
    How long have you knitting-?
  105. Julie L 
    email subscriber
  106. Sue Anne Kirkham 
    Your photographs are every bit as enticing as your recipes. Noting your artistic gifts I have to ask, did you design and construct your own website from the “bottom up”?
  107. Sue Anne Kirkham 
    I have linked to you on my blog, http://www.yourrecipesforlife.com
  108. Sue Anne Kirkham 
    Please do answer the question about how you spend an average day. I am fascinated with how you juggle so many quality on-line sites…
  109. Sue Anne Kirkham 
    I have linked to you on my website, http://www.yourrecipesforlife.com
  110. Jackie S 
    What is your favorite day of the week?
  111. Victoria 
    Just wanted to say I made those exact dishcloths as soon as I found the pattern for them several months ago: and you’re right, the garter stitch works fantastically! I have used only one strand of cotton and made a lot of baby washcloths for my friends!
  112. Adriana Lombard 
    Where have you always wanted to visit?
  113. Kristina 
    What is your favorite state that you have visited?
  114. Kristina 
    I follow you via RSS
    What is your most desired place to visit outside of the United States?
  115. Lisa R 
    What is the first thing that attracts you to a person?
    sibabe64 at ptd dot net
  116. Lisa R 
    follow u on the twit
    sibabe64 at ptd dot net
  117. LaurenS 
    Do you like smooth or crunchy peanut butter?
  118. Megan 
    Great giveaway!
    Do you have a pet and if so what and the name?
  119. Jayne 
    What is one thing you do EVERY DAY?
  120. Erica Lea 
    Do you plan on going to college, or do you already attend? And what is your major?
    I have no plans for college at this time. If I did attend, I would probably go in for photography, cinematography, or something Biblical.
    What kind of camera do you have? How long have you been doing photography?
    Our family owns the Nikon D80. I absolutely love it. I’ve been taking photos seriously for about three years.
    Whatt made you start a blog???
    My sister Janna suggested it to me. I had been providing photos for her blog for about a year when she encouraged me tostart my own.
    Do you know a good source for purchasing soft white wheat berries in big bags?
    We usually get ours from friends who run a mill or from a co-op. You can also purchase a 25 lb. bag on amazon.
    What is your favorite thing to bake?
    Grandma’s Poppy Seed Torte or chocolate chip cookies.
    How do you find the time for it all {blogging, baking}?
    I love to take photos, cook, and blog, so I make time for it.
    What is your favorite thing to photograph?
    People, especially when they don’t know I’m there. I love to tell a story with my photos.
    At what age did you start cooking?
    I can’t remember! Probably when I was about six or seven. Mom let me make deviled eggs & easy things like that to start with. It really let me create and use my imagination.
    Do any family memebrs ever have ‘guest posts’ on your blog?
    No. I have asked my sisters to do a guest post, but I don’t think they’re interested. They all have blogs of their own: The Joy of HomeSo This is Lynn, and Homegrown Learning.
    When did your love of cooking begin? and who inspired you?
    I think it started when I first kneaded bread. Everyone thought it was just grand that I “made” bread at such a young age. My mom inspired me. Watching her cook made me want to try for myself!
    What is your favorite kitchen gadget?
    I’m not sure if you’d call it a gadget, but I love our new Henkels Santoku knife. It fits perfectly in my hand and is ever so sharp.
    What is your favorite type of knitting needle to use or do you have a preference?
    I like to use metalic needles. Plastic needles don’t treat me well.
    What’s your favorite season?
    I love the way the seasons are so different in Northern Minnesota. If I have to choose my favorite, I’ll say Autumn. So nostalgic.
    What’s your favourite cookbook?
    It’s between The New Best Recipe and The King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion. I think I could live off of those two books.
    Do you have a dog? What kind?
    Yes! We have a very sweet black lab named Tuck.
    What is your favorite food-thing to make?
    Pizza. It has such scope for the imagination.
    Do you crochet? I don’t know how to knit but would love a pattern similar to this for crochet. I crochet dishcloths and love them. I think I would like to try with the crochet thread.
    Yes, I do, and I have actually crocheted a dishcloth or two with crochet thread. I just used a crocheted dishcloth pattern and substituted crochet thread & decreased the hook size. I may have to create a crochet version of my patter one day…
    What is your all-time favorite photograph that you’ve taken?
    Oh, tough one! I really like this photo of my sister, Katelyn.
    Do you only use whole wheat flour? I try to but have a hard time with ratios to regular flour?
    No. There are some recipes where I use all whole wheat flour, but when I try new recipes I usually start with half white and half whole wheat.
    Hi, How do you feel about snakes and spiders? 
    Snakes a cool, spiders are gross.
    Are you a messy cook? I adore baking, but it takes me hours to clean up after I bake and I’m always curious as to whether other people are as bad as I am :)
    My Mom says I’m a messy cook, so I guess I am! She encourages us to clean as we cook, and it is very nice to have so many sisters help with the cleanup!
    What is your favorite animal, and why??
    Horses. They are beautiful & provide a means of transportation.
    What is your favorite dessert???
    Some form of ice cream…I really like warm chocolate pudding on vanilla ice cream.
    What is your favorite dinner?
    Hmm…either chicken curry or pizza. If pizza counts as a dinner. ;)
    What’s your go-to I’m not feeling like cooking and wish dinner would appear on it’s own meal?
    Spaghetti with tomato sauce. It whips so fast.
    What are your birthday dinner requests?
    When I was a little girl I always requested Biscuits & Gravy for my birthday. Now I would request a meal of gourmet cheese, fruit, and bread. Delicious.
    What is your favorite comfort food?
    Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips. :D
    When did you realize your need for a Savior (in other words, what’s your testimony)?
    I think I first really began to realize my need for a Savior when I was about twelve or thirteen.
    What are some of your favorite books?
    The Lord of the Rings, Rolf & the Viking Bow, Jeeves & Wooster stories, Pride & Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Enemy Brothers…I could go on and on and on…
    Wanted to ask, which home school program did your family use?
    We didn’t use a single program. For math we have always used Saxon. For science we really liked theApologia series. We also took Latin for a year or two. I highly recommend the Artes Latinae program. For the rest, Mom just read books to us & assigned books.
    Do you have a certain time that you usually bake? like the morning or evening?
    If I want to take photos for a blog post, I usually bake in the morning. If we just want to devour the creation without fussing over photos, I usually bake in the afternoon or evening.
    How much time do you spend knitting? What time of day do you knit?
    It really depends on how interested I am in the project. No more than about 1-2 hours a day. I usually knit whenever I get the chance or feel the urge. 
    Why blog? ;-) I mean it with all sincerity…
    Blogging is a way for me to create. It pushes me to try new things (in my photography & cooking). And I love the interaction with my readers.
    Do you think it is a passing fad (blogs) or the way of the future? I blogged for years, may again some day…
    Most likely blogs are a passing fad. But I’m loving it!
    How do you take your coffee?
    With lots of cream, a little maple syrup, and a drop of vanilla extract. I don’t drink coffee very often – it makes me jittery. 
    OK, so since I just like to know things like this, and don’t remember you ever saying, how many siblings do you have? And where do you fit in there? [I am #2 of 7]
    I have four sisters (one is married) and one brother. I’m a third-born.
    What’s your favorite bible passage?
    It would be hard for me to choose one. I really like Proverbs, Philippians, and Romans.
    What’s the favorite item you’ve ever sewed/knitted/?
    These fingerless mitts. I’m rather proud of them. ;D
    What are your future career goals?
    I don’t have a career in mind. My sister & I run a small-scale cleaning service. I would like to pursue photography (and perhaps go pro some day).
    You are an interesting writer. Does it run in the family?
    My sister is a wonderful writer.
    My question to you: Do you do most of the cooking in your family or is it a shared task? Do your siblings enjoy cooking, too? (Well, that’s two quesitons–answer whichever you would like) :)
    I’ll answer both! By no means do I do all of the cooking. My sister & I take turns making our meals and of course Mom still cooks. My siblings enjoy cooking as well, but to different degrees: my youngest sister prefers to work for Dad. 
    what’s your fave color
    To wear? Black. To gaze upon? Blue.
    Where would you like to go on vacation?
    Washington and Oregon. I really want to see Crater Lake & Mt. Hood.
    How many more of these washcloths have you made?
    I’ve lost track! About 8-10, I’d say.
    Were you ever a “picky” eater or have you always enjoyed food?
    Oh, I’ve always enjoyed food; however, when I was younger there were many foods I hated: cake (cake!),mushrooms, green peppers, quiche…
    What is your favorite flower? Personally, I have trouble just picking one for a favorite.
    I love orchids. And roses.
    What are your 3 most favorite items that you find yourself ordering most often when in a bakery?
    I don’t know that I’ve ever been to a bakery! I’d probably get something chocolate, something cream-filled, or a macaron (I’ve never had a real macaron).
    what’s your favorite yarn to knit with? and what are the camera/photoediting functions you couldn’t live without?
    Wool. It’s natural, soft, and very easy to work with. I couldn’t like without my 50mm 1.8 lens. It is wonderful. I use Paint Shop Pro Photo XI for all of my editing. Don’t know what I’d do without it.
    What is your average day like?
    Oh my. I don’t know what I’d call an average day. My life is so varied. We typically wake up at 6:30 or seven & get Dad breakfast. Then I do things like check my emails, my chores, reading Bible, etc. I teach my little brother, which usually takes 1-2 hours. In the evening we like to do sports (volleyball, biking, badminton, etc.). When it gets dark, we like to watch a movie as a family. 
    How many bathrooms do you have in your home? Do you think it is enough?
    We have three bathrooms, and I think it’s plenty.
    What’s your favorite Jane Austen movie? 
    Pride & Prejudice (1995). The latest Emma is also very good. And Persuasion (1995).
    How many times, if any, have you watched the Princess Bride?
    Around five I’d say.
    What inspires you daily? Your blog ROCKS!
    Thank you! My family, other bloggers, cookbooks, and magazines.
    Is it hard to learn by yourself to knit/crochet?
    I didn’t find it hard, but some of my sisters did. It all depends on how interested & determined you are. My little sister actually taught me how to knit, and I taught her how to purl. :D There are many video tutorials online that are very helpful.
    What time were you born
    In the morning…around 6 or 7, I think.
    what’s your favorite thing to make from yarn?
    Hats. They knit up so fast and are a wonderful fashion statement.
    what genre of music do you prefer?
    Movie Soundtracks, swing, folk, and a little techno. 
    How long did it take you do finish 1 dishcloth?
    Not sure – probably 2 days (around 4 hours?).
    What is your favorite poem?
    Roads Go Ever On & Gil-Galad by Tolkien.
    Hi Erica! Just found your blog and I see that you like old movies? What is your favorite?
    Wow, I’m horrid at choosing my favorites. I really enjoy RebeccaOn the WaterfrontRear Window, and Shop Around the Corner.
    what dish (or dishes) would you say you make most frequently?
    Pizza, guacamole, and chicken curry.
    I was wondering what your favorite flavor of ice cream is?
    Coffee by Häagen-Dazs Five.
    Do you hope to have a large family someday?
    Yes, I do! But I also hope that I’ll be content with whatever God sends my way.
    Do you knit Continental or American style?
    Continental. It’s the only way I’ve ever done it, and I think it’s the best.
    Do you know how much you have inspired me? Do you?
    Oh that’s two questions! ;)
    Awww! You’re so sweet. 
    What is your favorite childhood memory?
    My Dad telling me that I was good in the woods. It made me so proud. 
    How long have you knitting-?
    About six years.
    Your photographs are every bit as enticing as your recipes. Noting your artistic gifts I have to ask, did you design and construct your own website from the “bottom up”?
    Oh my! I’m flattered. I did not design my website from the bottom up. I am not adept at CSS or HTML. My theme is based on “Lilac Stitch” by Delicious Designs Studio. It was very easy to customize.
    What is your favorite day of the week?
    Friday: it’s on the verge of the weekend and good things seem to happen.
    Where have you always wanted to visit?
    What is your favorite state that you have visited?
    What is your most desired place to visit outside of the United States?
    Besides England, Ireland or Scotland. 
    What is the first thing that attracts you to a person?
    Joy, honesty, and sensibility. 
    Do you like smooth or crunchy peanut butter?
  121. French Women 
    i like to search the internet for new kitchen gadgets to add to my kitchen *,’

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