December Photo-a-Day 2013: Days 8 + 9

Hello everyone! No, I didn’t forget to post a photo yesterday. I just decided that posting every day was a bit overwhelming for y’all, so I’ll be posting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the rest of this month.
Bowl of Grapefruit
Day 8: This is my favorite way to eat grapefruit. It takes a bit of effort, but it’s so worth it.
Smiling at Dad
Day 9: Helen is finally starting to get over her separation anxiety (now I jinxed it) and she’s warming up to other people. She loves her daddy and smiles and “jumps” up and down when she sees him.

2 Responses to December Photo-a-Day 2013: Days 8 + 9

  1. Kristina F 
    Oh, yes, I love grapefruit like that!
    Helen is so adorable. :)
  2. Erica Lea 
    Kristina: Thank you! I love her so much. :)

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