Morning Cuppa

I have always admired steam photos – the wispy curls look so magical. But it always alluded me as to how to capture that beauty. The other day I discovered how by accident.
As I was pottering about, still drowsy, fixing breakfast, I noticed how striking the steam from my cup of tea was. I grabbed my camera and snapped away. Then I realized what created the distinct steam – the morning light pouring through the window.
The steam must be backlit for it to show up! Eureka!
Have you discovered any new photography tricks/tips lately?

8 Responses to Morning Cuppa

  1. Annie 
    This is such a beautiful picture! Great tip — I’m going to have to try it sometime! :)
  2. Sara 
    This is lovely! That cup is so cute, did you make it? I’ll have to remember this trick :)
  3. Teresa Frei 
    I have always wondered that myself. Great tip, I’ll have to try it sometime. Love the picture! Is there any possible way I can get a copy of it? It would fit perfectly in my kitchen. Thanks!
  4. Erica Lea 
    Teresa: Thank you! Yes, I’d be happy to set up an Etsy listing for this print. What size do you need?
  5. Teresa Frei 
    That would be great! Thank you! I would love to have 11×14 inches if possible and it would be shipped to Germany. I just sent emailed you a message. Thanks again!
  6. Shea 
    Hi Erica! I came across this gorgeous picture and am thrilled for the tip on photographing steam. I was also wondering where the gorgeous cup came from in the photo? I am a ceramics nerd as well and I love it — Keep up the great photos!
  7. Erica Lea 
    Shea: I got it as a set from David’s Tea, but they no longer sell them. You can get is from Terrain for $10 + shipping. I should really do a giveaway since everyone loves these cups. :)
  8. Shea 

And She’s On the Move!

This little rascal started crawling this week. She’s still pretty wobbly, but she’s starting to get the hang of it!
For proof, watch THIS video.
And now for some more cuteness for your (or my) enjoyment:
Those eyes! I die.
Eating Banana
I’ve been starting her on solids. She doesn’t like bananas. It’s so funny to watch her shove it into her mouth, make a disgusted face and spit it back out.
Eating Egg Yolks
Her first food was egg yolk, and she loves it! I’m thinking I’ll try avocado next, or perhaps bone broth.
In case you’re wondering, I’m following the nutritional advice as outline by The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. I don’t agree with some of their methods of child training, but their nutrition is spot on.
Here’s a question for all you moms: have you tried a glass or stainless sippy cup? If so, did you like it?
For all the rest of you (okay, I guess moms can answer this question as well), what would you like to see on Simple Days next? A photography, hair, or craft tutorial? Let me know in the comments! Otherwise you’ll just get more of Helen. ;)

20 Responses to And She’s On the Move!

  1. La Godiche 
    She’s beautiful! I love the second photography.
    For next post I would like a hair tutorial, because I dream to do my hair like you!
    (But more of Helen it’s great too! ;) )
  2. Anne 
    Safe sippy 2. Expensive but wonderful. My son hated the “sippy” valve so we went straight to straw valve. He was off the bottle by 10 months. (Bf until 16m)
    They have AWESOME customer service. Highly recommended!
  3. Melanie 
    All four please! :) How about photography, Helen, hair, Helen, craft, Helen, repeat!
  4. jean 
    I’d love to see a craft tutorial for a fall item. I love seeing Helen, too. Glad you are both doing well!
  5. Annie 
    Hi Erica, I’m the one who stopped you to say hi at Story Book Lodge in July. :) I’ve so enjoyed seeing your pictures of sweet lil’ Helen! I definitely wouldn’t mind more. But I’d also love to see another hair or makeup tutorial.
  6. Moriah Mari 
    She’s really growing quick!
    I vote for photography or hair tutorial (both is fine too:).
  7. Diane 
    Helen really is darling. As to your question about drinking cups, I never gave my children a sippy cup. They had their own little metal cups with handles on both sides when they were Helen’s age and then a cup with one handle when they were a year or so and had more small muscle control. I did this because I didn’t want them dragging cups around the house and the car and spilling them or losing them. It’s tough enough to stay ahead of housework with an active infant. Why add the headache of spilt drinks everywhere?
    Oh! And crafts would be my preference along with Helen pictures, of course. ; )
  8. Erica Lea 
    La Godiche: Aw, thanks! I’ll have to hunt up Pinterest for some hairstyle ideas. :)
  9. Erica Lea 
    Anne: I’ll have to look them up! I’d be willing to pay more for something good rather than waste money on cheap junk. :D
  10. Erica Lea 
    Heehee! I like the amount of Helen that you included. ;)
  11. Erica Lea 
    jean: I’ll have to look for some inspiration for fall crafts – I’m getting excited for cooler weather!
  12. Erica Lea 
    Mariah Mari: Yes, I can’t believe how much she grows and learns each week!
  13. Erica Lea 
    Diane: Thank you! I love her so much – she grows more precious to me each day. :)
    Yes, I like the idea of cups with handles. Helen can already grab a metal cup we have that has a handle. Did your little cups have lids?
  14. Erica Lea 
    Annie: Hello, Annie! It was so cool to get to meet one of my readers in person. After we me I tried to visit your blog, but it’s locked. :) Oh, a makeup tutorial would be fun! I’m getting some new foundation soon, so I may have to do a tutorial or review. :)
  15. Diane 
    Hi Erica! No my children’s cups didn’t have lids. I did this on purpose because I wanted them to be clear that they were only allowed to eat and drink at the table, not all over the house or in the car, even from a very early age. It helps them learn eye/hand coordination, too and improves their dexterity with their fingers.
    Naturally, they are tempted to pour drinks on the floor or on their tray, but that is usually when they are finished eating and are fooling around and trying to be the center of attention some more. I like that she is handling a spoon, too. She’s probably clutching it and waving it around, but give her a baby’s spoon (your mother or grandmother may have saved yours) and let her try to feed herself in a few months. She’ll get the hang of eating oatmeal or mashed potatoes easily, although her trusty fingers are always the first into the food!
    Blessings to you and yours!
  16. Stephanie 
    Oh! A craft tutorial please! Though I’m up for more of Helen too, of course!
  17. Linda J 
    I vote for “craft”…..and Helen is adorable!
  18. Annie 
    Yes, I did lock my blog for privacy purposes, but I’ve sent you an email invite if you’d like to visit. :)
  19. Laura 
    Hello Erica,
    I thought I’d suggest a book I acquired a while ago with activities/learning games you can do with your beautiful girl. I recall you’d asked for suggestions beyond peekaboo or patty cakes ;-) This is the link to it on Amazon:
    The book is called Bright Start
  20. Cait 
    I have the Safe Sippy 2 I believe, though we haven’t used the straw yet for my 19 month old. I liked the versatility and was tied between other similar stainless sippy cups. So far we like it :) I do wish they made one without orange on it but it looks a lot less ugly in person; I was pleasantly surprised :)
    Helen is so cute – those eyes really are something!

Helen Update

Alright, we’re about due for a Helen update, aren’t we?
She’s about 5 1/2 months old now. Oh yes. I’m one of THOSE moms that give the age of their baby in half (or quarter) months. :D
Prepare yourself for a boatload of photos.
Around four months old, I started to teach her to sit up on her own. It was funny to watch her wobble and tip (don’t worry, I caught her). See THIS video.
She puts everything she can get her hands on into her mouth.
She loves to be outside and play in the grass.
She likes bath time again! I think it’s because she can sit up in the water now and doesn’t feel so helpless.
Speaking of which, she can sit up by herself really well now. When I started to set her in front of the mirrors in our bedroom she was actually interested in sitting upright. She still topples over sometimes (much to her dismay), but she usually stays upright for quite a while.
Wearing Dad’s new hat. She loves to chew on plantain leaves.
Helen and cousin Susan were wearing the same diapers, so I had to get a picture.

Here are some of her other recent developments:
  • She rolls easily from her tummy to her back and back to tummy (she first rolled over at 13 weeks).
  • She’s on the move! If I set her on the rug, there’s no guarantee that she’ll be in the same spot when I look back — she scoots and rolls to get places.
  • She can get up onto her hands and knees easily now. And she even does a plank sometimes. Next step – crawling!
  • She’s in size 3 diapers and weighs in at 16 pounds.
  • She’s down to about 3 naps per day and getting better at sleeping for longer stretches. I’m trying to ease her into sleeping in the crib at night.
  • Still no teeth! But I’m pretty sure they’re working on popping out.
  • She hasn’t had any solids yet, but I’m thinking about giving her a little taste soon – she’s pretty interested in food and looks longingly at whatever I eat.

It’s so nice that Helen can entertain herself for short periods of time now. But she is still quite a cranky baby. She just gets frustrated so easily! Do any of you have suggestions for fun activities for 6 month old babies? Most days we spend lots of time outside, but there’s only so many times I can play pattycake before going nuts…
All right, that’s all I have for now.

9 Responses to Helen Update

  1. Grace 
    When my little guy was about 6 months old (he is 2 now) and could sit up, he loved to play in the kitchen. I’d give him some pots and spoons etc and he’d be happy for up to 30 minutes! He also liked sand boxes. Hope this helps! Helen will probably be so much happier when she can crawl! Opens up their little world so much!
  2. Sam 
    My 5 month old loves to be in her baby pool. It’s the perfect size and she’s happy for about an hour. She loves to splash around and hang her arms over the sides to pull on the grass. She also loves her jumper. I put it in the doorway going out to our deck and that way she’s “outside” and entertaining herself.
  3. Mary 
    Playing with pots and pans and the baby pool are both wonderful ideas. My daughter loves to “cook” with me while I’m working on things in the kitchen. Does Helen have a jumper or exersaucer? Don’t be afraid to utilize those things! No guilt. You can’t entertain Helen every single second. I would put my babies in the exersaucer right after breakfast and clean up the kitchen right away, and I never kept them in longer than 1/2 hour at a time, but sometimes you just really need for them to be okay on their own and safe at the same time so you can get something done or have a cup of tea that hasn’t gotten cold. If she’s not accustomed to it, she will not be pleased at first, but try working your way up to it. Try 5 minutes, then 10. I also kept the baby’s little toys in frequent rotation during “floor play” time for more variety. I hope this helps! I agree with Grace; Helen will probably be much more content once she learns to crawl- it really is a whole new world for them!
  4. JMN 
    Try getting a set of stacking rings – my little one loved them at about 6-8 months of age. Also, will you be putting your old recipes back up on your new cooking website? I use your granola recipe every week and had to guess tonight! It looks good, anyways. Your Helen is very cute – have fun with the solid foods! All best, a loyal recipe follower in Europe
  5. Erica Lea 
    Grace: Thanks so much for the advice! I’ve been letting Helen bang on pots, and she loves it! See THISvideo. :) Yes, I think once she can crawl she’ll be much happier – she just gets SO frustrated when she can’t reach her toys.
  6. Erica Lea 
    Sam: Wish we had a kiddy pool for her! I let her splash a pan of water – it was funny to watch. And I think she’d like a jumper – she certainly bounces up and down on my lap! :)
  7. Erica Lea 
    Mary: I put Helen in a walker we borrowed from my sister and she likes it for a few minutes, but then gets frustrated because she can’t pick up the toys that are attached to the tray. :/ But I totally agree – they need to learn to play by themselves for short periods of time! I can’t wait until she learns to crawl…
  8. Erica Lea 
    JMN: I’ll have to keep my eye out for a set – I’ll bet Helen would like those. I’ll be posting some of my favorites from Cooking for Seven, but I’ve moved the old recipes to THIS website. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  9. Esther I 
    I second the jumper! Boy, has it been a lifesaver when I need free hands. Also, my 8 month old really enjoys anything she can roll back and forth — plastic or squishy balls are great. Helen will be crawling before you know it!