One Month Update

Two weeks old.

Three weeks old.

One month old.
Our little girly is over a month old now.
You’re expecting me to say: “That sure went fast.
Well, it didn’t. This has been the longest month of my life. But more on that in an upcoming post.
Helen is now over nine pounds and getting chubbier by the day. I think she’s finally getting over the eat-all-day stage. Now I jinxed it. ;)
Watch the short film below for a glimpse at our life the past few months.

{If the video won’t load, you can watch it on YouTube HERE }
And one more to show you what we’ve been dealing with. ;)

12 Responses to One Month Update

  1. Diana 
    Your daughter is adorable. Are you healed all recovered from the birth?
  2. Rebecca Lately 
    She’s so adorable! I love the video you made, Erica. I hope all is going well!
  3. Elizabeth 
  4. Kathryn Grace 
    She is soooo cute!!! Spit up and all. ;-)
  5. Sam 
    Congratulations! i just had my little one 3weeks ago and we’re battling spitting up/vomiting. Here’s to hoping that they keep it all down :)
  6. Missy 
    What a cutie!!
    I felt the same way during the newborn phase. I was literally counting down the days for each month to pass. It did NOT go by fast for me either, but at some point things got easier and time DID start to slip through my fingers. My little one just turned one last week which is nuts.
  7. Cinnamon 
    Your sweet lil’ Helen is beautiful. Newborns are such wonderful little angels aren’t they!
    Your birth story sounds a bit like my most recent baby. She was born Feb 10th and was by far the longest birth I’ve ever had. Not to mention my hardest. Then after she was born we dealt with food allergies. She is two now and much better on a gluten/dairy free diet. She’s never eaten cheerios or had a grilled cheese sandwich.
    When she was a newborn she spit up everything the first week (before we figured out about her food allergies) from the dairy I was eating. Then the gluten made her wide awake, cranky and restless. Those were long hard days.
    I can’t recall how I found you. I think I was looking at some food recipes for french onion soup. Lots of yummy recipes :-)
    You have a beautiful family.
    Blessings~ Cinnamon
  8. Begoña 
    The first month is really hard. They wanna eat all the time, cry a lot, want to be held most of the time, you are recovering from labour, you are exhausted and crancky most of the time, you dont know how to take care or love the baby… I remembered feeling really bad about myself and thinking ‘what the hell have we done? This is really really hard’, but I promise it gets better and better everyday. My little girl is almost three months and while at first she cried a lot and wouldnt sleep at all, right now, she’s a delight to be with. She has a routine now, she wants to eat every three or four hours, she’s a really good sleeper, she’s really funny and I love her to pieces. They need time to aclimate and so you do. I guess no new mom would admit it, that the first weeks together are not what you thought they would be and that sometimes you feel really sorry for yourself cause it sounds terrible but thats the way it is. Just give yourself some time and you see her blooming.
  9. bekahjo 
    Erica… I know how hard these early months are. With sleepless nights, spit-up filled days, and wondering if your body is ever going to return to normal. (btw, LOVE the spit up picture. I always look at baby pictures and wonder why other people’s children look so perfect. :) It gets better. They start laughing, and smiling, and hugging you. I just had a baby 3 mos. ago. And she’s finally starting to sleep through the night! But things have been rough with a 1.5 yr old, and a new baby. My husband has loved me through all the crazy days. It really does get better. Don’t compare to other people’s children, especially on the sleeping front, it’ll just drive you crazy and make you feel like you’re doing something wrong.
    Just know that you are being the best mommy that you can be to that little baby. And that even if she doesn’t appreciate it now, someday, she will.
  10. Emily 
    Oh, friend. It is so hard. So wonderful and so so hard. Your sweet baby is beautiful. I can’t wait to hear more, and I’m sending prayers and happy thoughts your way.
  11. Diane 
    Erica, are you healthy now? I know you’re exhausted and sometimes that can mask other problems. I hope the only problems are you healing and Helen getting used to her new world.
    Reuben looks like he is very helpful and you have a lot of family nearby. Get as much rest as you can and you will barely remember these first days in another three months.
  12. Samantha 
    Helen is just a little angel! It’s seems like it’s been so long since we’ve had a baby in the house (2 years really, but it sure seems like 10!) that I’ve forgotten just how small they really are! The video is darling and sure to be a treasure in your family for years to come!

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