Sam & Amanda | Engagement

Sam & Amanda
I am so excited for these two. The fact that Amanda is my sister just might have something to do with it.
We braved the chilly freezing Minnesota weather to capture a few moments of them together. Reuben provided the snow.
Sam & Amanda, I can’t wait to see you two growing closer together day by day. Here’s to an awesome marriage for you two!

5 Responses to Sam & Amanda | Engagement

  1. Amanda Lynn 
    I love these pictures more every time I look at them! You really are an amazing photographer, Erica. Thanks again so much for taking these! And thanks for the well wishes – it really means a lot to know that my family is thinking about me and excited for me.
  2. Hannah 
    These are AMAZING! You are so talented! =D Wow, this inspires me to go out and take some pictures of my own! =)
  3. Kathryn Grace 
    Awww, congratulations to them! Lovely photos. :-) I’ve only shot one engagement so far but it was so fun… I think the excitement and love and the fact that they play off each other makes it so easy to get great pictures!
  4. Moriah Mari 
    Congratulations to the happy couple!
    Erica, thanks for sharing these. :)
  5. garysgirl 
    These are so cute! You’re a great photographer. :) Congrats to the happy couple!

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