We’re Expecting!

Hey, everyone! We’re expecting! :)
I’m almost 19 weeks along and due February 14, 2013.
I’ve been trying to take a “bump” photo every 4 weeks. At 11 weeks I wasn’t really showing at all, and there wasn’t much of a difference at 15 weeks. It’s only been in the last couple of weeks that my belly has “popped.”
It’s been a bit weird adjusting, both mentally and physically. Realizing we’re going to be parents. Accepting that I’m going to get HUGE. Having to use the bathroom about 10 times per day. Sorry, TMI. ;)
Over the past week I’ve also experienced something amazing: feeling my baby move. It feels strange to have someoneliving squirming around inside of me.
We’re excited about the adventure ahead!
Have an awesome day.
Erica Lea

24 Responses to We’re Expecting!

  1. Rebecca in NC 
    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you two!
  2. Melissa // the faux martha 
    Congrats! You’ll be one beautiful momma!
  3. Megan 
    Aw, Congrats that’s so exciting!!!
  4. Kristen 
    Kevin and I are so very happy for you!
  5. Macu 
    Conbgratulations. Enjoy every bit of the journey. It will not probably be perfect all the time, but it will be worth every moment.
  6. Emily O. 
    Congratulations! So happy for you. Your due date is exactly one year from when I had my little girl :)
  7. Sara 
    Congratulations! That’s wonderful. :)
  8. Kathryn Grace 
    CONGRATULATIONS!! So exciting! I love babies. :-)
  9. Diane 
    How exciting! Congratulations to you both. May you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth.
  10. Rachel 
    Yay! :) Congratulations!! Blessings to you and baby. :)
  11. Marilyn 
    Congratulations! What wonderful news! Your announcement photos are just lovely.
  12. Moriah Mari 
    Congratulations to you both!! I can’t wait to see pictures of your little one! :)
  13. Erica C 
  14. Elizabeth 
    I’m thrilled for you and looking forward to hearing about your jounrey to motherhood!!
  15. Anna 
    Aww! Congratulations to the two of you!
    Becoming a family is amazing, I loved being pregnant with Malva.
    I wish you all the best!
  16. Begoña 
    I’ve been reading Cooking for seven for a while now and dont know why but I kind of knew you were pregnant. Congratulations!
    I’m pregnant with my first too, and there was no bump, not even a tiny one, until week 18-19. The first time I could feel her was at week 20 and now, that i’m on my 26 I feel huge! In the last couple of weeks it has grown a lot! It’s an amazing experience, isnt it? I know I’m not the first pregnant woman in the world but I kind of feel unique… I bet you know what i’m talking about. Anyway, congratulations!!!
  17. Samantha Angela 
    WOW! Congratulations!
  18. Carissa @ Pretty/Hungry 
    I remember feeling those same sensations of baby moving inside me (just a few months ago!) It is such a wonderful time… enjoy pregnancy and your new baby Erica! Congratulations to you both! Are you going to find out the gender or be surprised?
  19. Kristina 
    Totally thrilled for you, Erica! You look adorable.
    That first picture of all three of you is so beautiful.
  20. Leanne Mc 
    Yay! Exciting! Can’t be much other than a cute as cobbler baby in there! ;)
  21. Jelli 
    Congrats! Great photos. My belly didn’t show until about 5 months either. Enjoy that. It’ll probably mean that you’ll have a healthy pregnancy with a healthy weight gain. Don’t count on the millions of potty visits either, you may be one of those mamas who never notice that much. Cheers to a very very blessed pregnancy!
  22. Erica Lea 
    Thanks, everyone! :D
    Begoña: I know what you mean! It’s so exciting to me, but I’m sure everyone else this it’s just normal. :)
    Carissa: We’re not planning on finding out the gender unless we need to have an ultrasound, which isn’t likely. :)
  23. Sereina Charise 
    How exciting! Congratulations!
  24. Kiran @ KiranTarun.com 
    Congrats you two!! This is soooo exciting!!!!

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