The Winner…

Using, I have selected the winner!
Commenter #76: Jamie Tobin!
Congratulations, Jamie! I will contact you about your prize.
Jamie’s question is: Is it hard to learn by yourself to knit/crochet?
I think it all depends on the person. My younger sister and I learned how to knit and crochet pretty painlessly, but my other two sisters find it more difficult. There are many wonderful videos/tutorials online, which is how I learned many of the more advanced knitting techniques.
Thank you to all who asked me so many questions! I will be featuring 20 of your questions in a future post, and answering the rest in the comment section of the giveaway post.
Have a wonderful day!

2 Responses to The Winner…

  1. Samantha 
    Hey Erica! I have a quick question for you! Have you ever used Vanna’s choice yarn? If, so I was just wondering how it feels…I’m going to make a large afghan for my sister but we are having troubles deciding on yarn. Vanna’s Choice has the colors she likes, but she doesn’t want a cottony feel (she’s kinda picky). Let me know! Thanks!
  2. Erica Lea 
    Samantha: I’m sorry, but I’ve never used Vanna’s choice. It would not be my first choice since it it mostly acrylic. I would suggest natural fibers, though it will be more expensive. Hope this helps!

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