Fix-It-Friday ~ #44

This week’s photo for Fix-it-Friday was provided by Keli Hoskins. It is a photo of her daughter, Emma. Click here to see the original photo.
My Edit: For my edit, I used Corel Paint Shop Pro. First, I cropped the photo closer, duplicated the layer, created a layer mask, and brightened the photo. The background was very bright so I erased that part of the photo using a soft black brush and merged the layers. I then turned the photo black & white and duplicated the layer. On the new layer, I ran a preset called Albumen, turned down the opacity and merged the layers. Next, I placed a texture called concrete over the photo, turned down the opacity, created a layer mask, and erased the texture on the girl with a soft black brush. I then merged the layers and placed a slight purple tinge over the photo. Lastly, I sharpened the image and made her pants, hair, and eyes especially sharp.
The End!
To see how others chose to edit this photo, please stop by I ♥ Faces

4 Responses to Fix-It-Friday ~ #44

  1. mary 
    very nice! love the tones!
  2. Barbara 
    Love the texture, looks like I can “feel” the jeans.
  3. Elyssa 
    I love your edit! It’s beautiful!
  4. Kelley 
    Love what you did to that! It’s gorgeous. Way to go! I have such good intentions of doing these every friday…. but haven’t done one yet :P

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