Making Lefse at Grandma’s

Posted by Erica Lea on December 22nd, 2009 . Filed under: Family . (edit)
Every year, Grandma makes a large batch of lefse for Christmas. This year, she asked us to help her!
First, Grandma rolled out the dough on her well-floured counter.
Then, she transported it to the table, where John waited to cook the dough.
Next John, the expert lefse cooker, carefully placed the dough onto the hot griddle. I eventually convinced him to let me try my hand at cooking the lefse.
The finished product.
Meanwhile, Janna, Amanda, and I set up and decorated the tree.
We discovered some adorable retro ornaments.
Now we must wait ’til Christmas Eve to eat the delicious lefse, visit with relatives, and open presents. Only two days left to go. I love this time of year!
© 2009 by Erica Lea

10 Responses to Making Lefse at Grandma’s

  1. Samantha 
    What exactly is Lefse? I’ve never heard of it before. Looks like fun!
    Your photo’s are always so crisp, clear, and colorful!! The Lord has truly given you a gift (and a good camera!)!!!
    I too, love this time of year!!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!
  2. Rachel 
    FUN! I lOVE the ornament picture!!! Merry Christmas =)
  3. Ruth Ann 
    What special memories you’re making. How wonderful to be able to have time like that to spend with your Grandma. And your documentation [aka photography] is splendid. =)
  4. Erica Lea 
    Thank you all for your very kind words.
    Samantha: Lefse is a soft Norwegian flatbread made from potatoes, cream, butter, and flour. We like to eat ours spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar. You can read more about it here.
  5. Samantha 
    Huh. It sounds really good! We’ll have to try it sometime. It might be something my dad would eat. I wonder if he’s ever heard of it. He is part Norwegian. LOL
  6. KimberlyDi 
    I love Lefse. I had two female relatives have a blast trying to make it last year. I wish I could have been there. I have relatives in Bemidji, Minnesota. My Dad’s family comes from Norway. I love your blog and found it through Tasty Kitchen.
  7. Wishing You All… | Cooking for Seven 
    [...] Homemade Lefse [...]
  8. Jennifer 
    You should post the recipe! We make lefse every year in our family too–but ours don’t usually get that large. Would love to try your Grandmother’s recipe.
  9. Making Lefse | Cooking for Seven 
    [...] I went to Grandma’s house to help her make lefse (a traditional Norweigian flatbread). Stop by my personal blog to read more about [...]
  10. Trey Moncayo 
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