Misty Morning

Thursday morning dawned cold and misty. There were countless webs crisscrossing and dangling from the plants in our yard. I grabbed the camera and spent the better part of an hour capturing the delicate webs and drops of moisture.
Click here or the photo above to see more.

[Edited in 2013 to add the photos into the post]

Misty Morning photo SmallWeb.jpg

 photo Purple.jpg

 photo PinkFlowers.jpg

 photo Loop.jpg

 photo LargeWeb.jpg

 photo HolderWeb.jpg

 photo Dangle.jpg

 photo Dandelion.jpg

 photo Angle.jpg

2 Responses to Misty Morning

  1. Jen @ MaplenCornbread 
    Beautiful!!! As a little girl I recall finding such wonder from dewy spiderwebs
  2. Ruth Ann 
    Wow ~ you do such a *lovely* job! :) I always love seeing your pictures. I love photography as well, but you have some real talent there – can you share some of it? {smiles}

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