Nature in Northern Minnesota

A young duck that Dad found trapped in the fence. This was a “Hey, Photographer!” moment. ;)
The apples from our trees.
A nest of baby birds, found in one of our lilac bushes. Another “Hey, Photographer!” moment.
Black Raspberries. Delicious.
© 2009 by Erica Lea

5 Responses to Nature in Northern Minnesota…

  1. Jen @ MaplenCornbread 
    Now those are capturing true beauty at their finest(ok poor ducky, but he was saved!!) moments! :) beautiful!
  2. rachel 
    My youngest brother sat on my lap and giggled over the little baby birds =) I love how your photos look as if I were right there!!
  3. Janna 
    That turtle has a ferocious grin! Love that shot.
  4. Anna 
    I’ve had a delighted break from meal preparations while absorbing your blog. Lovely.
    You photography skills leave me inspired, and I think I may just have to try your knitted dishcloth!
  5. Miz Booshay 
    Such beautiful nature photography!!!

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