Waking Up to Snow

Snowy Morning
Snowy Morning
Snowy Morning
The other morning we woke up to a beautiful, snowy sunrise.
What’s the weather been like where you live?

6 Responses to Waking Up to Snow

  1. Annie 
    Beautiful pictures! Woke up to a heavy fog this morning, which turned into rain. I’m hoping the snow will hold off for as long as possible. ;)
  2. Kristina F 
    Well, it has been in the 80’s lately here in South Texas. :) But now it is raining and a little cooler. I don’t like cold weather though, so I’m glad I live here. You and I are about as far apart as you can get North and South and still be in the US. :)
  3. Kaylan 
    So beautiful!
  4. Madeleine 
    Oh, we are still watching the leaves fall! I am sure the snow will make it’s way to us soon, here in the Chicago suburbs. :)
    Love the pictures, Erica.
  5. Judy 
    Lovely photos of your woods. Our weather here in the Chicago area is slowly changing from fall to early winter. We had our first glimpse of snow flurries last week!
  6. Betsy 
    I would love to see some snow before Thanksgiving. Right now the mornings are crisp in NW Missouri and the trees are vibrant red, orange and yellow. Breathtaking.

thredUP Haul!

thredUP Haul
First off, let me thank all of you who purchased items from thredUP through my referral link. Because of YOU, I have received $60 in store credit! With my credits I was able to purchase some seriously adorable items for Helen, and a few for myself as well! In case you’re wondering how it works, if you make a purchase from thredUP (an online used clothing store) by following my referral link, you’ll receive $10 off your first purchase, and I’ll receive a $10 credit. Cool, eh?
Anyway, let’s get on with the haul, shall we?
threUP haul
First up, we have this lovely little knit dress by Egg Baby. I definitely want to store it up for future babies when Helen grows out of it, but she’ll probably be able to wear it as a shirt next fall.
threUP haul
Isn’t this snow suit by Me Jane Baby presh? I love the little ruffle details. Helen will be staying warm in style this winter!
threUP haul
How cute is this little rain jacket by Gymboree? Reuben is all about being prepared for inclement weather, and what better way than in a green frog coat? Reuben is also pleased that it’s an androgynous color (in case we have any boys), but it DOES have bows on the pockets…
threUP haul
And of course I had to get something for myself. I really like the sleeves on this tunic (brand = Max Studio). It’s a bit long on my short frame, so I’ll have to do a bit of altering. I’ll also be wearing a cami underneath for modesty. :)
I also got a brown fleece pea coat for Helen and a zip-up knit sweater for myself (handy for nursing).
I’m quite pleased with everything I purchased.
Do you like to buy things used? Have you found any great deals lately?

1 Response to thredUP Haul!

  1. Rachel 
    I love Thred Up. I just received my first order a couple of weeks ago with the 20% off they offered and recently made my second. I love this site. It is like the online versio of the best consignment store (a chain): Clothes Mentor. My sister made an order too…and hid it from me because she didn’t want me to know she copied me…pity I could have had a referral :(

8 Months Old

Helen is 8 months old (8 months and 3 days, if you want to be particular).
After Bath
She continues to love her bath time.
Fake Smile
She’s taken to fake smiling, coughing, and crying. Here’s proof of her fakey cry.
Eating Pumpkin
Helen likes food again!  She’s gets the vast majority of her nutrition from breast milk, but it’s fun to feed her solids every once in a while. So far she’s tried egg yolk, chicken broth, avocado, banana and pumpkin (mixed with grass-fed, organic butter). Here’s a video of her eating pumpkin.
She has been having some MAJOR separation anxiety issues lately. She’s all happy and content while I’m holding her, but if I set her down for one second she loses it. Also, I know she doesn’t have pants on in this photo. That’s because she cries and kicks when I try to change her diaper or put clothes on her. So sometimes I just give up and let her roam without pants. I haven’t let her go without a diaper…yet…

Here are a few more facts about Helen:
  • She finally got a tooth: her lower right front tooth.
  • She also decided to (finally) grow some hair. It’s so fun to see it get thicker.
  • Since she got her tooth she’s been experimenting with more consonant sounds (dada, mama, baba, ect.). She says “mama” when she wants comfort.
  • Her night time sleeping is actually worse than it was last month. She usually wakes 2-3 times during the night. I haven’t had the heart to makes her go back to sleep without nursing first. I wonder if teething is at the root (no pun intended).
  • She’s getting better at standing. She can balance for a few seconds and she has even pushed up to standing by herself (no support) a couple of times. I’d be surprised if she isn’t walking by Christmas. But of course it could take her longer to learn than I think.
  • She loves to look at pictures of babies, including herself. And she coos when she sees her cousin Susan.

And that’s Helen’s 8 month update!

7 Responses to 8 Months Old

  1. Rebecca Lately 
    What a sweetie!! She has such a pretty smile :)
  2. Kathryn Grace 
    Love that smirky photo… so cute!!
  3. Rebekah 
    She’s a doll! And I bet you’re right about teething as the cause of more frequent waking. That’s what my daughter did… she was sleeping perfectly until the teeth came along. Like you, I just nursed her back to sleep. I figured I’d rather spend five minutes nursing than half an hour listening to her cry. :)
  4. Diane 
    Yes, it’s the teething. Does she have one of the teething rings you can freeze for her to gnaw on? My boys liked that. Of course they also liked gnawing on the furniture and their cribs.
    I don’t think she has separation anxiety, Erica. You’re there all the time so she’s testing you to see how much she can get away with. Dress her and give her some toys to play with when you have things to do since she needs to learn to entertain herself. She can look through some cloth-bound books or stack blocks or bang wooden spoons together. She’ll be walking soon and she needs to know who is in charge (That’s you. Not her.) so she doesn’t end up hurting herself by running from you.
    This is very important if you should have another child while she is still small. She needs to know that you are the final authority and she can’t break things or hurt others. Kids aren’t bad (although it’s easy to think that when they sink their teeth into your leg), but they live in the moment and can’t think ahead. You have to be ahead of her.
    I’m not trying to be bossy, so please don’t take it that way. My kids are grown now and I know trends in childrearing come and go.
    Best of luck!
  5. Arianna 
    Oh my, she’s so sweet, in the third picture she’s just… awwww :)
    Cheers from Italy ^_^
  6. Arianna 
    oops I meant greetings, lol
  7. Erica Lea 
    Thanks, everyone! :D
    Diane: I don’t think you’re being bossy – I have lots to learn! :)

Katelyn’s Seniors

Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Katelyn's Seniors
Yesterday I got to shoot this lovely lady: my little sister!
It was a gorgeous October day. We’ve been having lots of rain lately, so the lighting has been less than ideal the past few days. We finally got a sunny day, perfect capturing Katelyn’s seniors.
We might do some more photos another day, but these were so pretty I just couldn’t wait to share them with you.
Hope you have an awesome day!

6 Responses to Katelyn’s Seniors

  1. Beth 
    Oooh, love the lighting and the pretty girl amidst autumn splendor! :)
  2. Megan 
    Beautiful! Love them!
  3. Kathryn Grace 
    Lovely! So fallish!
  4. jean 
    Your sister is so pretty! I love her outfit and the gorgeous fall colors in the background. It’s amazing how much your love for your family shines through your photos when you do family portraits.
  5. Nicole | Feeding This Family 
    Beautiful subject and the lighting is gorgeous, takes my breath away honestly.
  6. Teresa 
    Ditto to what everyone said. :-) Love the lighting.