My Year in Photos 2010, Part 2

See Part 1 for January – June.


Fun at our friends’ cabin.
Watching the fireworks from our pontoon boat.
Skiing & kneeboarding at our family reunion.
Dad found a skink, one of his favorite animals.
We went camping on the North Shore.


We attended a ladies’ tea party.


Gorgeous fall colors.
A walk in the woods.


Sitting around the campfire.
Lovely sister.


Frozen pond. Yes, it gets that cold here in November.
Frosted world.
Cool sister.


Christmas lights bokeh.
Little Elinor on Christmas Day.
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3 Responses to My Year in Photos 2010, Part 2

  1. Haley 
    What a wonderful year you have had! Hopefully next year will be just as good, if not better!
  2. Kathryn Grace 
    Awww, Elinor is adorable! Loved the photos.
  3. marian djurovich 
    Wonderful photographs. You are a true artist.

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